Teaching Children with ASD (autism) about Personal Safety
A FREE Seminar, Not Just for Parents
Sponsored by the Law Office of Richard L. Newman
WHEN (Revised Date): May 9, 2017 7:00pm to 9:00 pm
Free babysitting available, must register. Refreshments provided.
WHERE: Potential Inc. 170 Pheasant Run, Suite 100, Newtown, PA 18940,
(215) 579-0670 www.potentialinc.org
REGISTER: Form Below text
WHAT: How do we teach children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) about their personal safety? With all the responsibilities a parent of a child on the spectrum has, the possibility of a predator attempting to talk, trick, or force a child into touching or other unwanted sexual behaviors can be very disconcerting. Many people are not aware of the prevalence of sexual abuse, and most people avoid talking about it. Children, and in some situations their parents and caregivers, are trusting and do not understand the dangers that may confront children, even in familiar settings with people they know.
Children with ASD (autism) are vulnerable to abuse because individuals on the spectrum are generally taught compliance from a very young age. They also may have difficulties in communication and social understanding.
Avoiding or postponing the discussion does not protect children, and while some adults may approach this topic with trepidation, it actually represents an opportunity to take a positive step towards a child’s self-advocacy.
WHO: Presented by: Mary Worthington, M.Ed., Elementary Education Coordinator, (NOVA)
Network of Victim Assistance.
This presentation is designed for families and professionals who seek to promote their child’s self-determination
for healthy relationships, respectful interpersonal boundaries, and personal safety awareness.
The presentation is appropriate for parents of children of all ages - preschool through young adult.
Potential, Inc. seeks to assist individuals with autism in reaching their educational, social, and emotional potential by focusing on applying and conducting scientific research. Potential, Inc. is dedicated to providing high quality direct services, consultation, community outreach and education for families and professionals.
Save Date!
Saturday, September 16 Workshop - Autism & Sexuality
(Specifics to follow)
Potential Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) Corporation.
The official registration and financial information of Potential, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
We appreciate the time you've taken to register with us and your volunteer spirit.
We'll contact you shortly (within a week, or less) to align your interest with our needs.
Meanwhile, you can help by liking us on Facebook and sharing with your friends.
Thanks again,
Gadi Naaman, Director of Development